Vallette Adams carey

Profile Updated: August 5, 2021
Class Year: 1957
Residing In: Houston, TX USA
Occupation: Retired
Children: Thomas (1961), Randy (1964)
Yes! Attending Reunion
What elementary school(s)did you attend?


What Jr High (s) did you attend?


What street(s) did you grow up on?


Do you or your family still live or own your house that you grew up in?


Do you see or hang out with any class mates? Who?


What would we be surprised to know about you?


Where was your favorite HS hangout?

Campus or Baileys

List your siblings and year.

Donnie and Cindy

School Story:

Proud to be a member of the National Honor Society and a original member of the Houstonettes.

What did you want to do or think you were going to do when you finished high school?

Work, marry Thomas, have children and live happily ever after.

What and where was your 1st job? Do you remember how much you were paid?

Prudential Insurance Company. Made $32.59 a week.

Favorite Quote


Famous or interesting people you've met?

Too many to name.

Ever been on TV? Tell us all about it.

Forgot the name of the show. It was a Houston daily show that my friend Wanda took me for my birthday. I was selected to guess what was in the surprise package. There were clues and if I guessed right I would win the prize. I didn't guess right.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I am lazy after working fifty years in a very stressful but rewarding job, raising two wonderful sons, enjoying two grandchildren and four great grandchildren. I love watching TV, playing cards, reading, collecting and selling collectibles through a web site. Love sports.

Name something you dearly love. and why?

My family. I guess because I was raised in a very loving home.


Work. Work, Work and enjoying my children

Any words of wisdom?

You never know what life has to bring so just be content with whatever happens.

Is there a moment in your life that stands out? A moment that defines who you are? Other than kids being born or your wedding day.

Being divorced from the same man twice. Does that define me or him?