Linda Curington Curington

Profile Updated: May 21, 2020
Linda Curington
Class Year: 1965
Residing In: Shenandoah, TX USA
Occupation: Speech-Language Pathologist
Children: Melinda, born 1966
David, born 1968
Yes! Attending Reunion
What elementary school(s)did you attend?

Barrick Elementary

What Jr High (s) did you attend?

Fonville Jr. High

What street(s) did you grow up on?

Hopper Road

Do you or your family still live or own your house that you grew up in?

No, My Parents sold the house and moved to Leona, TX.

Do you see or hang out with any class mates? Who?

Occassionally, Marilyn Maniscalco Henley, Arthur Henley, James Slaughter

What would we be surprised to know about you?

Earned a bachelor's degree in 2003 and a master's degree in 2005.

Lifetime member of the South Montgomery The Woodlands Chamber of Commerce

Where was your favorite HS hangout?


List your siblings and year.

Patsy Broomfield 1966

Mary Broomfield Fox

What did you want to do or think you were going to do when you finished high school?

I wanted to be a teacher.

What and where was your 1st job? Do you remember how much you were paid?

Houston Better Business Bureau.

Ever been on TV? Tell us all about it.


What do you like to do in your spare time?

Stamp and Scrapbook; play and shop with grandchildren; go on mission trips to Guatemala.