Profile Updated: March 11, 2017
Class Year: 1968
Residing In: Houston, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Michael Stewart
Occupation: Retired 2016
Children: Staci, born 1975, Anchorage,Ak
Jason, born 1978, Anchorage,Ak
Kristy, born 1980, Austin, Tx
Yes! Attending Reunion
What elementary school(s)did you attend?

Burbank elementary

What Jr High (s) did you attend?

Burbank Jr Jigh

What street(s) did you grow up on?

606 Tallant

Do you or your family still live or own your house that you grew up in?


Do you see or hang out with any class mates? Who?


Where was your favorite HS hangout?

Winklers and Baileys

List your siblings and year.

Pat Taylor Thomason 1958
Peggy Taylor Burt 1962

What did you want to do or think you were going to do when you finished high school?

Get married like most girls my age

What and where was your 1st job? Do you remember how much you were paid?

First job was Texas Commerce Bank, made enough money to pay for parking
Second job for my Daddy in the Blue Print business and made gas money

Ever been on TV? Tell us all about it.

Houston Fatstock Show Parade with the
Burbank Eaglettes.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Read and crafts

Name something you dearly love. and why?

My children and grand children! Family is everything.

Any words of wisdom?

Grow old gracefully and live life to the fullest

Is there a moment in your life that stands out? A moment that defines who you are? Other than kids being born or your wedding day.

Not that I can put on paper!
