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How many use Facebook?

Created on: 06/17/09 08:28 PM Views: 1440 Replies: 7
How many use Facebook?
Posted Wednesday, June 17, 2009 03:28 PM


Curiosity sometimes strikes this old Tiger. How many of us are regular users of Facebook? Myspace? Blogspot?I have a number of friends from Houston Sam Houston and have had contacts from the "Other" Sams asking which one. Tigers Rule!

Steve Shepherd

RE: How many use Facebook?
Posted Wednesday, June 17, 2009 07:11 PM

I don't "use" facebook...I am only there because I had to sign up just to read what my friends sent me come look at their facebook.  I don't much care for these type things...I don't like everybody in the country being able to come on there and read about what I have said to a friend...or however the things work...

I have already been getting "trash mail" from people from this site that I don't even know and I don't like that....besides I have enough things keeping me "tied" to this computer more than I want.  I need to get up from here and get a life.  hahaaa.

Edited 06/17/09 07:19 PM
RE: How many use Facebook?
Posted Wednesday, June 17, 2009 09:39 PM


Good points Sherri. I spend too much time checking out things I probably should not be checking out. I have had several major health issues and I cannot get around like I used to. I have also gotten very picky about who I invite to my friend list and who I accept. If I am not sure, I reject them. Many can contact me in other ways. One thing I hate is the spammers that hit me through our church website. I have a contact page and a prayer page and they get hits an average of 5 times a week. Maybe not many, but it is irritating. To be honest, I am able to keep up with my grandkids better on facebook.  At least that way I can get some updated pictures. I keep up with some of my seminary students and church members also.

God bless and have a great day!

Steve Shepherd

RE: How many use Facebook?
Posted Thursday, June 18, 2009 07:17 AM

Morning Steven...I can understand about wanting to keep up with your grandkids...That is why I have my own website...Where I post my pictures...of family, our pets, our yard and house, ..I have another site (our photo club) where  pictures that I take for every one any one to view.  All my family still lives in Houston, and this is how they keep up with me.

The mail I get from Facebook people are not people that I have spoken to/with ..(which I have onely posted to either 2 or 3 people)

I too get on here to read.  If I have a question about something I "search" for answers online...I have taken classes online, and I read newspapers from all over the country online...Now today, I won't be online very long.  We had a small tornado come thru Tuesday and while we didn't lose any trees like our neighbors....we had a lot of tree limbs come down and blow thru the yard...some not ours.

Have a great up coming weekend...


Edited 06/18/09 07:18 AM
RE: How many use Facebook?
Posted Thursday, June 18, 2009 09:57 AM



I feel sorry for anyone dealing with the aftermath of tornadoes. In May 2003 the church I pastored was in the pasth of an F-3 tornado. There was $400,000 worth of damage to the church and $20,000 to the parsonage. 40 homes in our town (about 2000 people) were either damaged or destroyed. Our church sustained the most damage. We had changed insurance carriers in January and we were grossly under insured. I watched our church torn down and reassembled and the town as well. Huge trees were uprooted. There has been a lot of damage in our community lately from "straight line winds". Having endured a tornado, I know what it feels like.

We were fortunate personally that night as the tornado hit at about 9:10 PM. We were looking out the back window and everything was still. The trees started twirling counterclockwise and we heard the tornado siren. We noe sooner got in the hallway and braced when it hit> Pulled me backward down the hallway. Scary. Doors were ripped off the frames and placques right above the doos were still hanging there. A suit coat from my office was found almost 5 miles away.

My heart goes out to all of your friends and neighbors.

Steve Shepherd

RE: How many use Facebook?
Posted Thursday, June 18, 2009 12:36 PM

Thanks Steven...we were very fortunate this happened once before, but we just lost our well cover, well pump, a garbage can and lots of limbs out of our trees.

I feel sorry for anybody that loses a home....and devastated when there is loss of life (this includes people and their livestock/pets.....Nature's fury is not something we can prevent but we can try our best to be prepared.........You all were very lucky

Our sirens went off Monday....then I wasn't here when they went off Tuesday ...I was about 45 miles away....but my husband was just coming home and he did see what "looked like" a tornado to him.   And why do they mostly always come at night when we can't see them? 

Glad y'all weren't hurt.

  We have many many can see pics of our trees and yard if you care to go look at them in my albums...

the link is

RE: How many use Facebook?
Posted Saturday, June 27, 2009 08:57 PM


Had an intersting week. We got back from Springfield and Branson to discover that there was a small twister that passed through here and we lost 2 trees - an apple and a plum. Both were full of fruit. The apple tree was under the branch of a pine tree. The pine was not damaged. A mile from us, there were 6 power poles snapped like twigs. This happened on Tuesday. Glad we were not around and nobody was hurt. The farmer saw the funnel cloud coming down and laid flat on the ground in his field. It was a freak thunderstorm that spawned it.


Steve Shepherd

RE: How many use Facebook?
Posted Tuesday, June 30, 2009 06:42 AM

i am signed up on my space because of g-kids.  been there a while.  i recently signed on facebook.  i like it better than my space.  I found 2 old friends there!!!!!!  that made it worth it to me. 

Connie Redden69